Brella Studio: Athens Art Studio for Mess-Making

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Mini Mess Makers Ages 2-5

About This Art Club

Mini Mess Makers is our art club for preschoolers. Little artists Ages 2-5 and their caregivers enjoy developmental mess-making and socialization opportunities.

Bathroom-independent artists are invited to join us for exclusive summer art camps and independent workshops throughout the year.

Art Club Perks

Join for $49/mo

Manage your membership from your family dashboard

Art Club FAQs

What is the age range for this club?

This club is for children Ages 2-5. We have a separate club for older children, called the Scribble & Sketch Society.

What is the cost?

The membership fee is $49 per month. This fee covers all lessons, supplies, snacks, and cleanup. Save on your subscription (and fast-track your snowball discount) when you prepay for 3 or more months!

What is the schedule?

Check our calendar for ongoing activities. We meet at the studio on most weekdays, but times vary. We also have irregular patio playtimes when we move the mess outdoors (weather permitting) on our brick patio. Again, check our calaendar for upcoming play dates.