Brella Studio: Athens Art Studio for Mess-Making

Family Login

Liability Waiver



By clicking "Agree", you, being the lawful parent(s) and/or guardian(s) of the above child, hereby consent to the participation by the child in all day care activities conducted by Brella Studio and to the participation of the child in all events related to said activities.

You further authorize(s) any of the staff, employees, agents and representatives of Brella Studio to provide for, approve and authorize any health care at any hospital, emergency room, doctor's office or other institution, employ any physicians, dentists, nurses or other person whose services may be needed for such health care, review and if necessary disclose the contents of any medical records, execute any consent form required by medical, dental or other health authorities incident to the provision of medical, surgical,or dental care to the child. Health care shall include, but not be limited to the administration of anesthesia, x-ray, examination, performance of operations, diagnostic and other procedures.

The undersigned(s) hereby further authorize(s) emergency transportation by either day care personnel or if necessary by ambulance or other emergency vehicle.

If there is no medical emergency, the day care staff will first use reasonable efforts to contact the parent(s) and /or guardian(s) before administering or authorizing any treatment.

Notwithstanding other provisions in this consent form, Brella Studio shall not have the authority to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining procedures for the child.

The Studio is well child-proofed and the children are consistently well supervised. However, accidents do happen. By agreeing to the terms, the parent/guardian assume(s) all risk of injury or harm to the child associated with participation in the Studio.